Price list

Prices for massages

The following applies to all massages: If I could not touch your soul with my devoted, sensitive and absolutely mindful massage, then you do not need to reward me for it.

Introductory massage for YOU

100, - € (for about 75min)

I am aware that tantric massages are usually offered in different time variants.

In principle, however, I deliberately only offer one variant that lasts for two hours. I consider each of my massages to be a work of art that I can only create when time cannot exert any pressure. But with massages less than 2 hours she would. A longer massage (3h) can be requested in advance by arrangement.

Tantric massage for YOU

200, - € (for at least 2h)

Every woman who comes to me for the first time for a full tantric massage will receive a special stone at the end in connection with a voucher for € 50. She can either redeem this voucher for another massage or give it to someone else.

Tantric massage for HIM

200, - € (for at least 2h)

Couple tantric massage

400, - € (for 2h)

Four-hand tantric massage (two professionals)

400, - € (for 2h)

Four-hand tantric massage (a professional)

220, - € (for 2h)

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