
Tantric massage for YOU

I offer my tantric massages to all women ...

... who are looking for more joie de vivre.

... who want to feel their body anew through the gifted hands of a sensitive man.

... who have had experiences with touch that did not do well and want to transform these experiences.

... who wish to be seen by a man for the beautiful, lively and strong woman they are.

... who long for warm affection.

... who have the impression of going in circles when it comes to sensuality.

... who are looking for a way to more easily find access to their power.

... who want to broaden their sexual horizons or question their own limitations.

... who want to take a step towards more openness and authenticity.

Content and scope:

You should allow yourself at least 3 hours for a tantric massage.

In a preliminary talk (15 to 20 minutes) we talk about your wishes and your current state of health and clarify all questions regarding the massage.

Then you still have the opportunity to take a shower.

2 hours are provided for the massage itself (although this can take a little longer depending on the situation and process)

For tracing, shower and follow-up discussion about 30 minutes.


Introductory massage for YOU

For all women for whom a whole tantric massage is too big a stranger, or who would like to get to know me and my hands first, I offer a massage to get to know each other.

Content and scope:

You should allow around 1.5 hours for a massage to get to know you.

In a preliminary talk (10 to 15 minutes) we talk about your wishes and your current state of health and clarify all questions regarding the massage.

Then you still have the opportunity to take a shower.

A good hour is allotted for the massage (arms, hands, legs, feet, back, neck and face).

After that, there is still some time for an exchange of feedback.


Tantric massage for HIM

I offer my tantric massages to all men ...

... who are looking for more joie de vivre.

... who want to gain more self-confidence in their relationship with women

... who want to experience that a man can very well be touched tenderly without having to be homophile.

... who want to feel their male sexual power without the pressure to perform that they may feel in a woman.

... who are looking for new physical communication with women.

... who want to take their understanding of the needs of women to a new level.

... who want to set out again to find themselves and experience the moment.

... who want to take a step towards more openness and authenticity.

Content and scope:

You should allow yourself at least 3 hours for a tantric massage.

In a preliminary talk (15 to 20 minutes) we talk about your wishes and your current state of health and clarify all questions regarding the massage.

Then you still have the opportunity to take a shower.

2 hours are provided for the massage itself (although this can take a little longer depending on the situation and process)

For tracing, shower and follow-up discussion about 30 minutes.


Tantric massage for HIM and HER

Together with my partner Véronique Plumier, I offer tantric massages for all couples ...

... who are looking for more joie de vivre.

... who have the impression of going in circles in their intimate relationship.

... who want to discover how mindful touch can lead to a completely new, comprehensive perception of their own body.

... who are looking for a new way of communicating with one another, where words are not the most important thing and sometimes not even necessary.

... who would like to learn to better understand their own body as well as the body of their partner together.

... who want to take a step towards more openness and authenticity.

Content and scope:

You should take at least 3 hours for a tantric massage.

In a preliminary talk (15 to 20 minutes) we talk about your current state of health and clarify all questions regarding the massage.

Then you still have the opportunity to take a shower.

The massage itself is scheduled for 2 hours (although this can take a little longer depending on the situation and process). In the couple massage (unless otherwise requested), YOU will be massaged by me and ER by Véronique. Both massages take place at the same time and in the same room.

A further 30 minutes are planned for the follow-up, a shower and the follow-up discussion.


4-hand tantric massage for HIM or HER

Other possible forms of tantric massages: Four hands give a person a touch.

Feeling the caring care of several people (e.g. your partner and a massage professional) on your own body at the same time is a great experience that very few people enjoy in whatever form.

- Together with my partner Véronique Plumier, SHE or ER will be massaged for about 1.5 hours.

- Together with my colleague Nicolas Deru, YOU or ER will be massaged for about 1.5 hours.

- Together with one of EUCH, the partner is massaged for about 1.5 hours.

Previous massage knowledge is not absolutely necessary, but of course you are cordially invited to my / our massage courses.

For more information, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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