


More and more people are setting out to live more consciously. Many young parents have noticed and understood how vital tender, loving touch is for their little baby. The corona crisis makes it clear to all of us how much we long for opportunities to be touched, even as adults. We live in a world in which for too long the mind and the thoughts have been valued much more than what our body has to convey to us in the form of feelings and senses as a wise, faithful servant. We usually find it difficult to accept our body as it is. It should work, just not fall ill and if it does, then get it back into the form we want as soon as possible through doctors and medication. We do a cult around the body without bothering to listen into it. Touch is the most powerful way to give a body real attention and care. Mindful, loving and caring touches restore the connection between our mind and our body. As children it is the most normal thing in the world for us for a while to touch ourselves, give physical expression to our feelings and seek physical contact with others. But then we accumulate beliefs from adults, experience traumatizing touches, develop feelings of shame and our body awareness and trust fade more and more.

I would like to use my talent and my experience so that more people can find a natural access to their joie de vivre again, so that relationships become more lively again, so that we can all be touched again on a physical as well as mental level.



Tantra is a term that has developed in its meaning over many centuries and the content of which has been conveyed orally for a long time. So it is difficult to put Tantra into a clear framework. Although one can speak of a spiritual path in tantra, it is neither a religion nor an ideology and also not an esoteric approach.

Tantra is much more a way to more alertness, with which different practices are supposed to help to expand the horizon of consciousness. People who embark on the tantric path try to create a network in which they connect with the inner, deep self as well as with the outside world and the cosmos. It is not about dogmas, not about intellectual or scientific procedures, but about expanding knowledge through lived experiences with all the senses. It is about getting the sexual life energy flowing, which ultimately also leads to spiritual enlightenment when blockages can be released through conscious breathing and body work and the love between two loving people can flow unhindered.

For all people who are looking for holistic knowledge, Tantra is an offer to accept everything as it is presently through practice-oriented methods in order to unite the polarities between female and male into a transforming energy flow, alone or in pairs.


The tantric massage as I have learned and practice it is about an unintentional, devoted and mindful adoration of a person through the hands of the masseur.

In contrast to practically all other massages, the whole person is touched with everything that defines him, including the intimate area, which is called “yoni” for women and “lingam” for men.

In the massage, which usually lasts at least two hours, the recipient embarks on a wonderful journey to himself. She / he can get into one with the certainty that the massage is only about him / her Let go of the previously unknown state of absolute relaxation and just BE.

Before the massage, there is a conversation in which the recipient can clarify any open questions and I can find out which topics you are currently bringing with you so that the massage can then be intuitively adapted to your needs.

After the massage there is a conversation in which you have the opportunity to share your sensations and I am happy to give you feedback on what I have felt.

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From touch to heaven

In the tantric scriptures it is very clearly stated that if we go into a meditative and at the same time intensive dialogue with our body, we also come to more spiritual awareness. The love that we give to ourselves or to others through touch can connect us with a divine energy that can answer our questions about the meaning of life and take away the fear of death.

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